Fedora Packages


Various R Programming Tools

Functions to assist in R programming, including: - assist in developing, updating, and maintaining R and R packages, - calculate the logit and inverse logit transformations, - test if a value is missing, empty or contains only NA and NULL values, - manipulate R's .Last function, - define macros, - detect odd and even integers, - convert strings containing non-ASCII characters (like single quotes) to plain ASCII, - perform a binary search, - sort strings containing both numeric and character components, - create a factor variable from the quantiles of a continuous variable, - enumerate permutations and combinations, - calculate and convert between fold-change and log-ratio, - calculate probabilities and generate random numbers from Dirichlet distributions, - apply a function over adjacent subsets of a vector, - modify the TCP_NODELAY flag for socket objects, - efficient 'rbind' of data frames, even if the column names don't match, - generate significance stars from p-values, - convert characters to/from ASCII codes, - convert character vector to ASCII representation.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
Fedora Rawhide 3.9.3-7.fc41 -
Fedora 40 3.9.3-7.fc40 -
Fedora 39 3.9.3-4.fc39 -
Fedora 38 3.9.3-3.fc38 -
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Package Info

You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at R-gtools dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

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